Give Members Access to Second Opinions from World-Class Specialists from the Comfort Of Their Own Homes
Your Proactive Medical Second Opinion Specialists
MyCareChoices™ is a digital, telehealth-enabled, healthcare platform that provides patients with fast, reliable second opinions and conservative therapy options from world-class medical specialists, protecting against misdiagnosis and suboptimal treatment plans.
With MyCareChoices™, members better understand their diagnosis and treatment options, and payers average $800K per 100K members in savings by reducing unneeded procedures. On a recent member survey, when asked “How would you rate the Overall MCC experience (1-5)?,” our client’s members gave MRIoA’s second opinion program a 5.
Best of all, this solution is seamless to implement as part of your standard PA process and requires no IT integration.

Appropriate Care And A Positive Member Experience
Features of MyCareChoices™ include:
A proactive second opinion from MRIoA ensures appropriate care and a positive member experience – alongside reducing unnecessary or overutilized procedures.
Why Offer A Medical Second Opinion Program?
MyCareChoices™ is a member-driven, voluntary second opinion program that gives your members access to a specialist review of their procedure
Benefits to your members:

No travel or time off work required

Fast turnaround with no long waits for access to a specialist

Easy to use

Peace of mind
Benefits to your health plan or TPA

Clear competitive advantage

Cost containment

Member retention

Easy to implement with no IT integration required
Member Journey – MyCareChoices™ Process

1. Sends file to MyCareChoices
Members are eligible when surgery date is greater than seven (7) days from when the prior authorization is submitted

2. Outreach to Member
MyCareChoices™ analyst will reach out to the member, enroll them in the program and schedule consult

3. Education Portal
Members will then receive a link to the education portal

4. Records Collection
MyCareChoices™ will collect all necessary records on behalf of the member

5. Specialist Review
Members will have access to our panel of specialist MDs

6. Consult
Member will have a 30-minute consult with an MRIoA clinician. If needed, MRIoA will reach out to the provider for a discussion as well
Member Testimonials
Drive Cost Savings and Elevate Patient Care
Experience valuable data insights, cost savings, and faster decision-making with our innovative technology and patient-centered approach. A ClearPath to Clinically Relevant Simplicity.