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Medical Second Opinion Services
That Provide Peace Of Mind

Guidance from World-Class Specialists to Inform Healthcare Decisions

Knowledge is Power
How to Get a Second Opinion from a Specialist

You may be wondering who MRIoA is and how we contribute to your healthcare diagnosis and treatment. You’ve come to the right place!

MyCareChoices™ is a digital, virtual, telehealth second opinion service that provides you with fast, evidence-based second opinions from medical specialists – including those from world-class institutions.

For patients and their advocates, we empower better healthcare choices through external clinical reviews that validate medical opinions, help avoid misdiagnosis and uncover appropriate conservative therapies – all with the goal of delivering the best possible experience and outcomes.

Why Get a Medical Second Opinion?

Protect yourself against misdiagnosis

Research shows that 20% of patients with serious health problems are initially misdiagnosed – which can result in unnecessary surgeries and procedures.

Explore the best treatment options

45 to 48% of second opinions result in changes to treatment recommendations. With a medical second opinion, you will find out if there are alternative therapies for your condition.

Gain peace of mind

Getting a second opinion from a prominent physician specialist will help you feel confident in your diagnosis and treatment plan, so you will know you are making the best possible choices for your healthcare.

Get your options from the comfort of home

With MyCareChoices™, our quick, easy-to-use and fully virtual platform, you will not have to leave home to get your second opinion.

Member Testimonials

On the Overall MCC Program:

Thank you for the great work you are doing, it is very much appreciated!

On the Patient Educational Videos:

Excellent, loved the videos and they were super informative!

On the Value of a Second Opinion:

A very prudent program that everyone should go through before a surgery. Program is a great idea from my health plan to ensure the right care is taking place.

Why Delay?

Harness the power of an independent review to ensure evidence-based care and appropriate utilization of treatments.

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