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Medical Review Institute of America (MRIoA) Sponsors AMCP 2023

February 22, 2023 

Medical Review Institute of America (MRIoA) is excited to sponsor AMCP 2023. Stop by  MRIoA’s booth #2022 to talk about how our independent clinical reviews can increase member satisfaction and reduce unnecessary care while managing regulatory requirements and maintaining world class TAT and Quality.  MRIoA also has proprietary data and analytics benchmarking solutions that will help simplify and optimize your organization’s utilization management program.


With the ever-changing healthcare landscape, MRIoA has innovative solutions to help you address some of today’s most pressing topics.

  • High-Cost Specialty Drugs – A recent pilot of MRIoA’s High-Cost Specialty Drug Review solution showed 60% of every 5 HAE cases were eligible for therapeutic interchange that would drive $1.7M in total savings.
  • Regulatory RequirementsRegulatory Monitoring Services identifies new state regulations requiring same state MD licensing, specialty matching, step therapy exception process and improved turn-around-times (TAT) thatmay impact your organization, including the recently finalized Gold Card
  • Inappropriate Drug Utilization– Controlling over-prescribed medications such as opioids which continue to be an epidemic; hear how our Medical Reviews identified in one case study represented an average denial rate of 90% – saving lives and appropriate step-down therapies.

We are MRIoA:

  • Providing services to the six (6) largest pharmacy benefit management (PBM) organizations and many others
  • Monitoring and maintaining compliance across all regulatory agencies
  • Delivering technology enabled review services, increasing employee satisfaction and decreasing costs of overutilization
  • Providing benchmarking analytics and empowering employees by offering them alternative choices through patient-focused telehealth 2nd opinion services
  • Industry-leading <4 hours TAT on over 75% of qualified reviews
  • Over 35+internal medical directors, 60+ pharmacists, 40+ nurses and 700+ physicians across 150+ specialties
  • Licensure in all 50states
  • We meet all the industry standard accreditations – AND MORE!

Engage with Byron Harris and Dawn Maloney, during AMCP 2023 to learn more of what MRIoA can do for your organization.  We look forward to seeing you in person at our booth #2022.  In the meantime, visit us at

About Medical Review Institute of America, LLC, (MRIoA). Founded in 1983, Medical Review Institute of America, LLC (MRIoA) is the top medical review company in the United States. With the largest, most extensive review network, industry-leading turnaround times (TATs), and UR licensing in all states that require it, our professionalism, enthusiasm and collaborative approach are transforming clinical care delivery nationwide. MRIoA is a technology-enabled provider of clinical insights to payers and patients through analytics and evidence-based clinical opinions derived from independent specialty reviews and virtual 2nd opinion solutions that empower better decision-making.


Medical Review Institute of America Media Contact:

Dawn Maloney